Our Vision in Stained Glass

Stain_Glass_BoyThe stained glass windows in our sanctuary depict our vision of family, ministry and our commitment to our culture, identity and heritage. The windows throughout the church are the original windows, completely refurbished for the present sanctuary. The faces in the windows have been redone to reflect our African backgrounds. The flesh tones are varied to display the richness of our diversity. The street level windows on the P Street side are based on Ndebele tribal patterns of Southern Africa. The nine-panel window above the choirs has, at its base, three panels similar to the Ndebele styled designs. The blue above the designs is for the waters of our middle passage. Out of the sands of a new world rise the hands in rich multi-color that represent the hands of our ancestors reaching up to God in prayer. From these hands emanate a rainbow-representing our many gifts and talents. Above the center panel is the star of hope that has guided us through life’s difficult struggles. The center panel is a chalice—the cup of the new covenant. From this cup, many people drink and become one in the Spirit.

Read about the redesign of Shiloh’s Stained Glass Windows.

Ministry Fair Recap

524184_10155107212115254_7787120239789922006_nOn Sunday, January 25th, Shiloh’s Village Council hosted an amazing Ministry Fair!
Each of Shiloh’s ministries set up a table displaying what they do to advance God’s Kingdom. There were activities available for all ages including indoor tennis, a “Selfie” station, family portraits for OneBody, as well as the demo and download of our new mobile app!
Even in the midst of all that fun, ministries were busy providing information and signing up new members.
So, if you missed it, you can learn more about each of Shiloh’s ministries under the “Ministries” tab on our website (www.shilohbaptist.org).
In the meantime, check out this very special “Thank You” from Deacon Daryl Branson, Chair of the Shiloh Village Council.